Sunday, December 9, 2012

We're in Seventh Heaven

Our Sweet Baby Girl is 7 months old this week! Congratulations! Here's your official 7 month picture:

We gave up on getting you to leave Miss Bear alone. You have fallen in love with your stuffed animals!

These are all in comparison to last month's picture: 

You are all smiles these days! 

You are eating all kinds of fun foods! This month you started to eat more grown up things. You love any kind of bread (you are your parents' daughter after all).

You love puffs. You especially love it when we hand them to you and walk away. Not one of mommy's smartest moments. For the record, that can was closed when I handed it to you. 

Your favorite times of the day are in the morning right after you wake up, and at night when you're winding down. That's when you love to cuddle with mom and dad. 

Sometimes you fall asleep on the couch with your lovie. We're not too sure where we'd be without that lovie! 

Sometimes in the morning you like to come sit in bed while Mommy puts her contacts in and straightens up the bedroom. 
Sometimes you just like to sit there and look like your Dad. 

This month you have also mastered the art of standing alllllllmost on your own. You can stand holding onto anything - a table, a knee, a hand... 

You've also learned how to be just like Rudolf! 

Speaking of the Holidays, we spent Thanksgiving with Pops & Momsy Franklin

And Uncle Kole! 

You also got to participate in thanksgiving dinner! 

And we had a little bit of Christmas since we don't get to see everyone again before the next year! You got some VERY cute outfits and toys. 

And you can't see Momsy or her puppy in this picture, but you're laughing at both of them. 
Recently you think that any animals are HILARIOUS. When you see Izzy get up in the morning, you giggle and bounce and squeal at her while we take her outside! 

I got one of you trying to "pet" Mr. Pheeny: 

Bottles: Starting at 7am, every 4 hours
Food: 9am, 1pm, 5pm
Naps: 8:30am, 12:30pm, 4:30pm (each lasting about 45 minutes)

You still spend lots of time with Mrs. Allison and Ashlynn, both of whom we are so thankful for! 

We love you sweet girl. More and more all the time. You are such a blessing to our lives, and we pray constantly for the Lord to raise you up, always close to him, always knowing of his great mercies. We serve a glorious God, who fills our days with joy and laughter! 

Friday, November 9, 2012

We have a 6 month old!

I never thought I would say this, but I'm not sure how ready I am for the first six months of your life to be over already! Look how big you are:

Compared to last month: 

Here's yo stats: 
Weight: 18 lbs, 5.4 oz 92%
Height 27.5 in 83%
Head Circumference: 45.1 cm 92%

According to the Dr, you are the size of an average 8.5/9 month old! 

You are now able to sit up completely on your own, but sometimes we still put the boppy around you so if you fall over, you won't hit your big ol' noggin on the floor. 

Your favorite time of day is when Daddy comes and gets you up at 7 and brings you in to wake up mommy. You love to chat. And giggle when Daddy tickles you with his hair.


You also are starting to really enjoy your Johnnie Jump Up. Although you haven't quite figured out the jumping feature yet. 
Mostly you just swing and spin yourself around in it.

You also are still in love with bath time. Your daddy was very particular about getting you used to water in your face when you were very little, so you don't mind it at all! 

You really enjoy your changing table too. You like to lay on it and swing your legs around, say "Bwah bwah bwah!" while you play with your bear.

For halloween this year you were Princess Leia! 

Toward the end of the night you were over your hat and decided to swap it out with daddy's! 

 You also got to spend lots of time with your Pops and Momsy over the weekend.

Also, I still love making your baby food! We have a whole freezer full of baby food cubes! 
You're getting to be such a good little eater. Some of your combos: 
Strawberries & oatmeal
Apricots, pears & oatmeal
Chicken, sweet potatoes, peas & carrots
Little star pasta, broccoli, cauliflower & cheese

You're eating 3 meals a day, plus 4 bottles of 6 oz.

We love you baby girl. You are SUCH a blessing to our lives. Our family has gained so much strength and closeness since you have arrived. We pray for you together all the time, that you would be healthy and holy, and that the Lord would bless you immensely. Smooches, chica! 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Man Alive! How Many Months? FIVE!

No, seriously. You are five months old today! And it is hilarious. I say this every time, but this time I mean it. You have gotten to be so hilarious, Kel. 

First your five month picture!
Compared to your last few months: 
4 months
3 months 

Of course we had lots of fun shots to get this one. My favorite sequence: 
"Hey Ms. Bear, you don't need no bows!"

"See, much better I think."

"Perfect, now let me chew on your head."

"Hey mom, you should put some of this fur in that butternut squash mix you're about to talk about in the blog?"

Here are some fun developments. You can sit up on your own now! As seen above. 

You are also eating real food now. 
Mommy confession time: I LOVE making baby food. I almost don't want to say that because I know it makes me sound like a hippy mom, which I avoid as much as possible. However, steaming vegetables/fruits and putting them together in fun combinations is SO entertaining for me! Here is some evidence. Today we steamed butternut squash and put it in the food processor. We added some apple sauce and put all of that together in some ice trays. We wind up with fun little frozen cubes of baby food! 

Our combinations so far: Pear, Apple & Cinnamon, Avocado & Banana, Strawberry & Banana, Carrots & Sweet Potatos, Butternut Squash & everything else.

You are starting to think everything is funny. Including dancing with your mama and playing with your daddy in the mornings. 

 You are starting to look REALLY big in your car seat:

And your hair is as curly as ever! (And cheeks as big as ever)

You have a new way to ride around in the store: 

You also like all your toys that help you stand up these days: 


And if I'm not watching really carefully, you grab anything nearby and stick it in your mouth.  No joke, this video is all you, grabbing the phone. 

In the evening before bed, you like to make pouty faces while you lay on Daddy: 

Favorite thing to eat: Apples & Pears
Favorite activity: Sitting in your new "car" aka obnoxiously pink walker.
Favorite book: 47 Beavers on the Big Blue Sea
Favorite Song: Any commercial that comes on the TV - we sing and dance to until you start giggling.
Looking forward to: Going to Aunty Kim's wedding in 2 weeks!

Everyone says this about their kids, but if I could bottle up your cuteness right now for later days, I totally would. You are so precious and funny. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

1/3 of a year old!

Sweet little Kelynn! Happy 4 month birthday, lovey. Mommy and Daddy are so excited to report that you have changed so much this month.

First thing's first - your 4 month picture:
Although, I have to tell you, I had to take about 100 pictures to get this one shot. Your silly little self was so squirmy in that cute dress.

A few updates from the 4 month doctor appointment.

Height: 25.5 Inches (87th percentile)
Weight: 15 lbs (77th percentile)
Head Circumference: 43.2 cm (100th percentile)(yikes!)

You are becoming so smiley and funny. You love to look at us from across the room and smile real big to get our attention.

 You are getting to be such a great eater! You are now eating 6.5 - 7 oz bottles every 3 hours. You like to try and hold them on your own. When they're almost empty, you can do it sometimes!
We also have started giving you (slighly more) solid foods! You love your rice cereal, and have learned how to gobble it right up! You eat about a tablespoon of rice cereal once a day. 

 Also, you've developed this super cute habit of rubbing your feet together when you eat, or when you're relaxed.
You also have started to like to snuggle with your Lovies (as we call them), while you're falling asleep for a nap or for overnight. 

 Your new favorite chair is the bumbo. You sit in it for 20 to 30 minutes at a time, playing with your toys.
As you can see, we also have to have you wear a bib most of the time because you are SO drooly! It appears that we're not too far off from the teething phase! As a matter of fact, you love to chew on your Daddy's fingers. 

You are becoming so alert, you love to look around and smile at things you think are funny. 
Because you're getting so big, we've started being able to take you lots of new places! Now when we eat at restaurants, you love to sit at the table with Mom or Dad. 

And this weekend, we got to go to Michigan to spend Labor day with the Zuverink family! You were such a great traveller! You slept through most of the flights completely!

And when you weren't sleeping, you were pretty happy to sprawl out in the seats at the airport.

You even got to meet your cousin Aiden for the first time! 

Bath time is still one of your favorite things to do. 
You are now sleeping from 8pm to 7 in the morning. You take a nap at 8:30am, 11:30am, 2:30pm and 5:30pm. Mommy is working about 25 hours/week, and you love to go to miss Allison's house to hang out with Ashlynn in the afternoons while mom and dad work. 

Favorite thing to eat: Rice cereal
Favorite activity: Sitting in the Bumbo or riding around the house doing chores with mom and dad. 
Favorite book: Baby Baa Baa (Who's behind the red watering can? Fuzzy Duckling! She has an orange beak)
Favorite Song: Bathtime song (Who loves bathtime? Kelynn does! Doo dah! Doo dah!)

Can't wait to see what the next few months will bring! God is so good to us!