Size of Baby: 3.75 Pounds, 17 Inches long
Weight Gain: Still not looking at the scale when they weigh me. Not in trouble with the Doc yet, so it can' t be that bad!
Maternity Clothes: I'm starting to miss my old non-maternity go-to's... but for now, I'm still very thankful for all the stretchy stuff I've borrowed from my very dear friends.
Gender: She's a Lady!
Movement: She's gotten so big that any movement she makes I can pretty much feel and see. She likes to spend most of her time right against the outside of my tummy. You can usually feel what is either a head or a rump right in the center below my rib cage.
Sleep: Still sleeping great! Thankful for it every morning!
Symptoms: Exhaustion has come back, and I'm still very awkward. Random things are painful. Like walking, and getting in the car, but I'm hanging in there, by the grace of God. Thankfully that's really all I'm experiencing.
What I miss: I know this sounds silly given my post last month, but I miss my non-maternity clothes! And I desperately miss working out.
Cravings: Milk
Best Moment This Week: Watching Ashlynn (Mark and Allison's sweet little girl) and seeing how great Ben is even with little babies. I knew he was brilliant with kids, but I didn't know he was such a natural with babies. It has taken some of the pressure off of the baby coming!
What I am looking forward to: Seeing my family in a couple of weeks, and taking more classes at the hospital! Those darn things are so informative!! And of course - my Texas baby shower!! It's going to be so fun to get all the important women in my life into one room together. Very exciting.