Friday, October 21, 2011

Week 8 is Great!

Ultrasound 7 weeks, 6 days

The first ultrasound went great! Baby's heart rate was clocked at 136. Measured to be exactly as old as we thought. Our official due date, per Dr. Ku, is May 11. Just in time to get done with school! Ben and I are starting to do fun things like look through name books and pick out cribs, so it's starting to seem more like a real thing.
I still feel wonderful. I caught a cold this week so that's been dragging me down just a bit. However, the typical nausea and all that hasn't been a problem for me at all, thank goodness. At the last ultrasound, they did see a small blood clot somewhere in there, so I'm going back this Thursday, 10/6 to get it looked at again. Dr. Ku says it's nothing to worry about, it'll most likely dissolve on its own.  Good news is, another ultrasound!! So exciting.

How Far Along: 8 Weeks
Size of baby: Grape
Weight gain: 5 pounds
Maternity Clothes: Had to get a few shirts that don't hug my waist so closely... Good thing summer is over because my shorts don't hardly fit at all anymore...
Gender: Quien sabe?
Sleep: Still needing lots of sleep, but it's interrupted more frequently with potty breaks.
Symptoms:  Mostly just sleepiness.
What I miss: Sushi
Cravings: Carbs... and more carbs
Best Moment this week: Realizing that my mid-section (that keeps growing) is actually kinda hard in there... it's not just fat after all!!
What I am looking forward to: Sonogram on Thursday to see Peanut again!

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